Class Descriptions
Learn through play!
This class focuses on learning fundamental Pow Wow as well as ballet steps through creativity and play. These Tiny Tots will experience dance, fitness and discover new coordination. Imagination will be called upon and fun will ensue as we explore basic structure, balance, rhythm and motion.
Class includes 45 minutes of dance lesson and 15 minutes of non-physical cultural creativity.
Focus and Stamina!
The Junior Bears learn all basic pow wow steps and progress into pow wow categories as well as the exploration into other dance forms, such as contemporary dance.
Junior Bears will get a better understanding of drumming, songs and singing, as well as the value of the stories of pow wow dance categories.
Strength, Honour, Courage and Growth!
Beginners ages 10 and up, including adults, will train to learn all pow wow dance categories as well as the basic skills of regalia making and designing. Active engagement in choreography concepts, singing and music will help align traditional concepts, stories and teachings. This course is about growth of the mind, body and spirit and balanced with emotion. This course is structured so that even adults of any age and fitness level can make a smooth and comfortable physical transition.
Classes are by special invite only, for members to learn all the choreography they’ll need to transition to the Eagle Level.
All ages. By invitation only.
This course is an on-going practice for students who have shown commitment, a high level of understanding and talent in dance, as well as the ability to showcase their talent to audiences through performances and presentations. These members are often seen at public events and school presentations and are required to help facilitate community engagements.
We offer Pow Wow classes for beginners and advanced dancers, usually divided by age group. Our Pow Wow classes also incorporate cultural education and skills, such as beading and regalia making. On occasion we also offer cultural classes such as beading and drum group as well as multicultural dance, such as Samba, based on demand. We welcome anyone interested in learning about Aboriginal dance and culture, no matter their age, skill level, gender, size or ethnicity.
Our classes are ongoing. New students can register every month and at anytime.
To register, complete the registration form and waiver, submit and you will receive a welcome package sent to you through email.
If you are an organization (i.e.: CFS agency or First Nation) and would like to sponsor a student, please complete the form below instead. If registering more than one student, please complete a form for each student and either email or fax them to us at 204-284-9983. We will then send you an invoice for payment.
Tiny Tot Turtles (ages 3-6) – $52.00/month
Junior Bears (ages 7-9) – $88.78/month
Beginners (ages 10 and up) – $88.78/month
Eagles (Level 2) – $88.78/month
These prices include GST.
Student fees are due on the first of every month and are non-refundable.
In order to run a class, a minimum or 5 students must be signed up.
We offer special group rates for businesses, organizations, agencies or communities that would like to register groups to train in our programs. We can also create specialized classes depending on the numbers of participants.
If you require financial assistance or sponsorship, please inquire with your band, Child & Family Services organization (for foster children) or neighbourhood organizations that might offer sponsorship options for cultural programming.